Saturday, March 9, 2013

Brain + Muscle = Calamité

Written August 2012.
 Cerebellum’s a mean little kid. Since he is my son and I gave birth to him, I can’t even fathom what it would be like to live without him, though he can be misleading. He’s always been very nice to all of his many siblings, except for hhs brother, Muscle. No one knows why he hates his brother, but he just does. He fools his brother into making me go crazy, and makes everyone think that this is a good thing.

One would think that since Heart and Lung caused him the abuse that he would seek sweet revenge on them and be extremely vindictive towards them instead of Muscle, because Muscle didn't do anything wrong. However, since Heart and Lung are best friends with Cerebellum's father, Brain, they've got to stick together more than any other group of people in my family.

Cerebellum likes to encourage his friends Motor Cortex, Basal Ganglia, and White Matter to join in on tormenting his brother. Motor, Basal, and White didn't have to be encouraged by Cerebellum to be mean to Muscle, because they already hated him from the moment they met him. On the contrary, at first, their friends Brodman Area 40 (everyone calls him Supermarginal) and Angular Gyri thought the three were snobs, but Cerebellum is quite the little exploitive persuader and schmoozed his way into absolute decoy of Supermarginal and Angular. As a direct result of this, Mommy can't balance a checkbook or get herself dressed anymore because these kids are constantly bickering.

Bladder and my youngest, Teeth take it the hardest. Mommy can't take care of Teeth because even though she is the baby of the family and should be paying lots and lots of good quality attention to her, the kids' feud get in the way of that as well, because I ask Hand to help his sister, Teeth out, but Hand is usually up all night, getting stuck in the crossfires along with Leg, Foot, and Arm, so they're exausted. The devastating thing is though is that Leg, Foot, Arm and Hand had much promise in life. They were my pride and joy with their beautiful and graceful movements, until their brother screwed it all up for them.

One of the many ways that Cerebellum and his friends take advantage of Muscle is by blackmailing him into making his brother, Bladder, cry uncontrollably, or at least Bladder's emotions are more hard to control than the average bear let's just say.

Now, you must be thinking that it must take a toll on me emotionally too. Well, it does. That's the hardest part almost is that I spiral into depression half the time because my kids are feuding, one kid is being beaten up by my oldest kid and his friends, I always fall for what the abusive kids say and my little guy Muscle does too. It's a never ending cycle, and I can't stop it. People say that my family despises each other so much right now that there is no psychiatric medication on the market strong enough to fully get rd of Cerebellum's post-traumatic stress disorder and psychosis, at least in this day and age, only mere treatment. They've impacted my social life and my friends who have perfectly mentally healthy children are afraid to be with me in person Honestly though, I wouldn't change anything because it has made me a stronger person and a better mother, and I don't even know if I would even be able to handle such drastic change in my life. So, I better just take life as it comes.

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